That we may show your love to others

loving others

That we may show your love to others



Immortal Invisible God, the only wise One may your great Name be exalted always. The earth is truly yours and your power and presence is seen all the time. You are indeed a glorious God and you are caring and do not change and because of this we can trust You wholly and will never regret it. You are so generous with all that You give to us and we can hardly attempt to return your favor.

Lord many a time we do not show any kindness and generosity at all. We do not help the needy and we say many unkind things to people and also behind their backs. We hurt people so much and it so difficult to show your love to each other and to the world as well. Give us the grace O Lord to live like you did and may your love pour from our hearts to everyone especially the unlovely among us. Make us like you O Lord. Amen .(8/21/16)

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With malice toward none, with charity for all


With malice toward none, with charity for all



Almighty Lord as I contemplate your goodness, mercy and love you show towards me and others every day I am left speechless  You are indeed a great God. I want to bask in your love every day because without that I would not survive.

Lord it is sometimes heartbreaking and painful to see how we who are called by your Name treat our Christian siblings and others who disagree with us. Our hearts are filled with so much resentment and hatred that we utter uncharitable words against them. We forget completely that you ask us to love our fellow men including those who despitefully use us and also those who are in the household of faith. Give us the grace whenever we have this temptation to be uncharitable to remember what You would like us to do in any situation and the example you left for us to follow when you walked among us. Give us the strength to be who we should be that your name will be glorified everywhere. Amen. (8/7/16)

Causing pain

causing pain

Causing pain


Our Lord You have made the earth and everything in it. You merely declared and everything came into being. Because you made us we cannot exist without You even though atimes we try our best to live without You. Our worlds indeed have no meaning unless they are linked to You. May your great Name be forever praised.

Father, we live in a world of pain much of which we have caused ourselves. We cause pain to others by the anger that influences our actions. We also cause pain by the gossips we utter about others; by the insensitivity we demonstrate to the plight of the disadvantaged and vulnerable; by rejecting those who seek to get close to us; by judging others when we are not even better than they are; by deceiving those who trust us; by resenting people for no reason; by scheming evil against others whilst we pretend to be their friends; by discriminating against people who are different from us. We then cause you great pain by refusing to listen to You and going our own way.

Dear Lord bring to our attention all that we do to cause pain to you and others and help us to repent. Amen. (4/10/16) [ inspired by sermon from Pastor D. Wendell Cover]

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