Our thanks in spite of everything


Our thanks in spite of everything

For everything



For my families

For my friends

for my colleagues

For every day

For success



In failures

In troubles

In covid

In challenges


We are thankful

We are grateful

We are appreciative


Thank God



His Majesty the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. You reign over every circumstance and situation in life and your power is truly displayed in the universe. Thank you for everything you do.

Lord this has been a year marked by its exception. No one saw what was coming and we have hunkered down most of the time. Yet in all these scenes of this life you have proved to be more than who we have imagined you to be. You have been the Rock in whom we have had our refuge as covid has ravaged our earth and taken friends and loved ones away from us. In all these we will still give thanks and say thank you thank for it is truly well with our soul. Amen .(11/26/20)