Light at Christmas

Light at Christmas


Light of the world

You stepped down into darkness

Opened my eyes, let me see

Beauty that made this heart adore You

Hope of a life spent with You


Here I am to worship

Here I am to bow down

Here I am to say that You’re my God- Hillsong

Lord we cannot pipe down at this time, we want to join the heavenly angels as they exult in your praise in heaven and remember your birth. O what a glorious time especially when we remember all that would happen after your birth and the victory you get us by going ahead to die for us and being resurrected. What a great moment to recall. Let the rejoicing continue.

Lord we have just started the period when it grows dark yet so early. Lord the darkness makes many so gloomy and reminds us of all the difficulties we have. In the midst of this we get Christmas and the light that the birth of Jesus sends our way. Lord may your light shine on us and all the blessings it brings during Christmas and beyond. Amen (12/24/17)

Deliver us from holiday stress

Deliver us from holiday stress


Peace, peace, wonderful peace,

Coming down from the Father above!

Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray

In fathomless billows of love!-Warren D. Cornell & William Cooper


Lord who made the heavens and the earth I praise and adore you. Your name is above every other name and you sit above every principality and power. I worship You because you are my God and my Father and you have done and continue to do so much for me. Thank you, thank you my Lord.

Lord this is the season when we feel so much stress. There is so much to be done- people to be thought of, gifts to be bought and sent out or presented. There is planning and shopping to be done. Many a time in the midst of all this hustle and bustle, we feel so overwhelmed by all that we have to and also want to accomplish for ourselves and others. Sometimes an added stress is when we do not have the means to do all we want to during this Christmas/ holiday season. Lord help us, give us peace and calmness at this time and may we trust you the more and leave things more in your Hands. Amen. (12/22/17)

Letting God be God

Letting God to be God


Your world is forever

Settled on the Earth

And your plan is for me is perfect and complete…

So I never have to be afraid

I can trust you God

Trust you sovereign God

No matter what may come my way

I can trust you God

Trust you sovereign God- William McDowell


O Lord my wonderful Savior I join the songwriter to declare that I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hands have made including myself. I see the skies and I hear the rolling thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my grateful soul my Savior God to thee. Indeed how really great You are.

Lord a lot of times we have tried to play your role. We want to play God and do all sorts of things supposedly in your name. Sometimes we want to ‘fix’ things on your behalf when we clearly don’t know what you will. I am thankful that no one can take that path and succeed. Help us O Lord to leave you to be who you are and not try to portray you to who you are not. Amen (12/12/17)

Lord of compassion

Lord of compassion



Amazing grace! How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now am found;

Was blind, but now I see. – John Newton



Lord of life, lord of mercy, lord of compassion who in this universe can compare to You? Truly there is no shore to your mercy so you have not given us anywhere near what we deserve whenever we have fallen short of your expectations. Who can be more accepting of people than You? Truly you Lord. May your great name be forever lifted up and praised.

Lord you are the lord of compassion. You had compassion on so many when you lived amongst us. You call on us to live according to your example. Lord stir in our hearts constantly the spirit of compassion that we may be able to go out and help others all the time as you would want us to do. Amen (12/7/17)

Each with a story

Each one with a story


Jesus Messiah, name above all names

Blessed redeemer, Emmanuel

The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven

Jesus Messiah, Lord of all – Chris Tomlin


Lord of all life and Mighty Creator I come before you to praise You. My Lord and My Maker I worship you because you are who you are and you compare to no one else. I cannot adore and lift up your great name enough because you are goodness itself and you never change. May all my days of praise of you continue all throughout my life. Thank you Lord.

Lord I realize that as your children each one of us has our own story there are parts that may be known and some will never be known to anyone else. Lord many a time we judge people without knowing their actual story – their struggles and in the end cause so much pain to them. Lord help us all to be careful how we judge people that we may not know as we think we do. Help us to love them even in difficult circumstances. Amen (11/5/17)