Tekel (we have been found wanting)

Tekel ( we have been found wanting)


As the deer panteth for the water

So my soul longs after You

You alone are my hearts’ desire

And I long to worship You.


You alone are my strength, my shield

To You alone may my spirit yield

You alone are my hearts desire

And I long to worship You – Martin J. Nystrom


My Lord, the Bright and Morning Star I come before you to sing praises to You. You are worthy King of kings and Lord of lords and I worship You. Lily of the valley, may your glory be over all the earth. Your Majesty my soul longs for you and you are all I desire. You are my Strength, my Shield and my Comforter without you I am nothing. Thank you Jesus for everything.

Lord God you are a patient God and you are slow to chide and swift to bless. You always call on individuals and nations who offend you to repent. When we ignore you as we often do we face your anger, we are literally weighed in the balance and found wanting. Lord may you have mercy on us as we continue to defy you daily that we may not have to face your anger. Amen.(7/17/17)


Make me like Daniel


Make me like Daniel



Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God I come before you to praise and worship you. I empty my heart and soul to You my Redeemer. Honesty surrounds you and in you there is no darkness at all. Indeed thou changeth not and thine compassions fail not as the hymnist sang.

You called Daniel into service in Babylon and you distinguished his life with honesty so that no fault could be found in him by his detractors. Lord in a world where your children are tempted constantly to cut corners and atimes succumb to this temptation, help me to stand firm and be honest. May I be characterized by integrity at all times. When I am tempted to be dishonest give me the grace to resist and succeed. Lord make me like Daniel in every way. Amen. (5/22/16)

Daniel(prophet) 1